Carpooling / Ridesharing Script Nulled Free Download

Current Version 1.4 (Released: December 03, 2015)
The carpooling Script is a PHP based 100% source free, customizable software solution.
Anybody who is willing to start a web portal for car pooling can buy this script and customize it according to their business requirement.
Today, car pooling is one of the hottest online business. Do you want to start your own car pooling website?
Developing your own car pooling website can become tedious for you.
Work smarter by using this car pooling script which is the best time and money saving option.

Highlights of Car pooling script:

1. Every registered member, a car owner or a customer, on car pooling website can have a unique dashboard.
2. This car pooling script is supported by Google maps to locate customers right at their place, no matter where the are located.
3. The script gives provision for private settings. E.g. if the owner does not allow smoking inside his/her car, or if the customer is always accompanied by a pet.
3. It gives advanced search options with several filtering choices for customers to search at their comfort level.
4. The script has provision for instant notifications through emails.
5. The script also has automatic price calculator.
6. Above all, the script provides option for SEO friendly URLs to provide analytics on number of visitors for the site, with info graphics and statistics.

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